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John A. Overdeck Professor, Professor of Statistics and of Biomedical Data Sciences

Trevor Hastie

John A. Overdeck Professor, Professor of Statistics and of Biomedical Data Sciences

Trevor Hastie is the John A Overdeck Professor of Statistics at
Stanford University. Hastie is known for his research in applied
statistics, particularly in the fields of statistical modeling, bioinformatics
and machine learning. He has published six books and over 200
research articles in these areas. Prior to joining Stanford
University in 1994, Hastie worked at AT&T Bell Laboratories for nine
years, where he contributed to the development of the statistical modeling environment
popular in the R computing system. He received a B.Sc. (hons) in statistics
from Rhodes University in 1976, a M.Sc. from the University of Cape
Town in 1979, and a Ph.D from Stanford in 1984. In 2018 he was elected
to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. He is a dual citizen of the
United States and South Africa.


Ph.D., Stanford University, Statistics (1984)
M.Sc, University of Cape Town, Statistics (1979)
B.Sc (hons), Rhodes University, Statistics (1976)


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