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- Mangubhai, S., & et al, . (2024). COVID-19 highlights the need to improve resilience and equity in managing small-scale fisheries. npj Ocean Sustainability.
- Kumagai, J., & et al., . (2024). Marine Protected Areas That Preserve Trophic Cascades Promote Resilience of Kelp Forests to Marine Heatwaves. Global Change Biology.
- Tigchelaar, M., Selig, E., & et al, . (2024). Nutrition-sensitive climate risk across food production systems. Environmental Research Letters.
- Krusberg, T., & et al, . (2024). A review of marine genetic resource valuations. npj Ocean Sustainability.
- Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions, ., WorldFish, ., the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, ., Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics, ., CARE, ., & Environmental Defense Fund, . (2024). Integrating blue foods into national climate strategies: Enhancing nationally determined contributions and strengthening climate action. Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions.
- Roberts, C., Béné, C., & et al, . (2024). Rethinking sustainability of marine fisheries for a fast-changing planet. npj Ocean Sustainability.
- Vogel, J., Levine, A., & et al, . (2024). Fisheries in flux: Bridging science and policy for climate-resilient management of US fisheries under distributional change. Marine Policy, 170.
- Bograd, S., Anderson, L., Canonico, G., & et al, . (2024). Advancing the climate-biodiversity-fisheries nexus in the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
- Claudet, J., Blythe, J., Gill, D., & et al, . (2024). Advancing ocean equity at the nexus of development, climate and conservation policy. Nature Ecology & Evolution.
- Sora, K., Wabnitz, C., & et al, . (2024). Historical climate drivers and species’ ecological niche in the Beaufort Sea food web. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
- Nyiawung, R., & et al, . (2024). Fisheries and the COVID-19 pandemic: A global scoping review of the early pressures, impacts, and responses in least developed, emerging, and developed countries. Regional Studies in Marine Science.
- Bebbington, J., & et al, . (2024). Shaping nature outcomes in corporate settings. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.
- Penca, J., Barbanti, A., Cvitanovic, C., Hamza-Chaffai, A., Elshazly, A., Jouffray, J.-B., Mejjad, N., & Mokos, M. (2024). Building competences for researchers working towards ocean sustainability. Marine Policy, 163.
- Blasiak, R., & Jouffray, J.-B. (2024). When will the BBNJ Agreement deliver results?. npj Ocean Sustainability, 3(21).
- Stanford Environmental Research Year in Review. (2024).
- Masuda, Y., Parsons, L., Spector, J., & et al, . (2024). Impacts of warming on outdoor worker well-being in the tropics and adaptation options. One Earth.
- Stanford Woods Annual Report 2022-2023. (2024).
- Micheli, F., Saenz-Arroyo, A. ., Aalto, E., & et al, . (2024). Social-ecological vulnerability to environmental extremes and adaptation pathways in small-scale fisheries of the southern California Current. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11.
- Sumaila, U. R., Alam, L., Abdallah, P., Aheto, D., Akintola, S., Alger, J., & et al, . (2024). WTO must complete an ambitious fisheries subsidies agreement. NPJ Ocean Sustainability, 3(7).
- Teixidó, N., Carlot, J., Alliouane, S., Ballesteros, E., De Vittor, C., Gambi, M., Gattuso, J., Kroeker, K., Micheli, F., & Villéger, S. (2024). Functional changes across marine habitats due to ocean acidification. Global Change Biology.