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small scale fishing

Small-Scale Fisheries & Tech

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Small-scale fisheries produce half of the global fisheries catch and represent a key source of employment and nutrition for hundreds of millions of people. Small-scale fisheries are especially important to livelihoods and food security in the developing world, often as part of informal economies not subject to government regulation or taxation, largely lacking management and extremely vulnerable to climate, market and social change.  A transition from the informal economy to the formal economy can result in greater economic stability for small-scale fishers.

In a collaboration with Stanford’s, we are working to use human-centered design approaches to identify new technologies that can help fishing communities manage their resources through, for example, improving financial capacity, monitoring catches, or improving access to markets.

Explore our work

Digital platforms empowering small-scale fishers

Deploying a digital platform by ABALOBI with fishers in the Republic of Palau

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Gender and Fisheries Fact Sheets

Supporting gender equity and equality in the seafood sector and beyond

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