Strengthening and Enabling the Micronesia Challenge 2030
Strengthening and Enabling the Micronesia Challenge 2030
Strengthening transboundary integrated marine resource management for healthy marine ecosystems and sustainable coastal fisheries in Micronesia through the 2030 Micronesia Challenge
The project Strengthening and Enabling the Micronesia Challenge 2030 builds on the Micronesia Challenge 2030 (MC2030) conservation, community benefit, and process targets, recognized by MC2030 partner jurisdictions including the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI), Republic of Palau, the U.S. Territory of Guam and the U.S. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). The overall MC2030 conservation target is to effectively manage at least 50% of marine resources and 30% of terrestrial resources across Micronesia by 2030. The project aims to enhance national and regional marine resource management towards the Micronesia Challenge 2030 targets through three Components. The first component focuses on supporting FSM, RMI and Palau as they develop national policies, plans and tools to support national integrated management of marine resources under Micronesia Challenge 2030 targets. The second project component— implemented through the Micronesia Conservation Trust and the Micronesia Challenge Regional Office—aims to strengthen the capacities, communication, and planning to ensure regional coordination of the MC2030. The third project component focuses on monitoring and evaluation, knowledge management and communication of knowledge products generated through the project, including through IW:LEARN.
Countries: Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Republic of Palau
Focal Area: International Waters
Project Status: Project Approved
GEF Project ID: 10740
GEF Period: GEF 7
Project Type: Medium-size Project
Focal Areas: International Waters
Implementing Agency: World Wildlife Fund, Inc - US Chapter
Executing Agency: Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions
Partners: Micronesia Challenge Regional Office, Micronesia Conservation Trust, Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority – MIMRA (RMI), Department of Resources and Development – R&D (FSM), and Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and the Environment – MAFE (Palau)
Funding Source: GEF Trust Fund
GEF Project Grant: USD $ 2,000,000
Co-Financing: USD $ 3,653,491
GEF Implementing Agency Fee: USD $ 180,000
Total Cost: $5,703,491
Project Approved for Implementation: August 30, 2021
Project Duration and Start Date: Three years beginning on April 1, 2022
Project Documents:
WWF GEF Project Document Micronesia
Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Project Inception Report
GEF International Waters Experience Notes:
Using a science-to-management approach for effective protected areas (Protected Area Registry)
Reimaanlok, A National Framework for Locally-led Conservation
GEF CEO Endorsement:
CEO Endorsement Request
CEO Endorsement Letter Micronesia
CEO Endorsement
Review Sheet_CEO Endorsement
Safeguards Categorization and Compliance Information (Category C):
For Additional Information:
GEF Micronesia Challenge Project Webpage
WWF Micronesia Challenge Project Webpage
Micronesia Challenge Website
COS Contributors:
Jim Leape - Principal Investigator
Eric Hartge - Project Manager
Kai Robinson - Project Finance Manager
Lucie Hazen - Project Monitoring and Evaluation Officer
Page updated August 5, 2024