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Coastal Adaptation Data Resources

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Coastal Exposure Data
One of the main outcomes from our project is a spatial data layer that represents coastal exposure along the California coast. This layer differentiates coastal California areas of relatively high or low exposure to sea level rise and storm impacts. Using the InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs) Coastal Vulnerability model, researchers produced a qualitative estimate of storm-induced erosion and flooding exposure. By coupling these results with population information, the model can show areas along the coastline where communities are most vulnerable to storm surge and erosion. Understanding the contributing factors to coastal exposure and the protective services offered by natural habitats can help coastal managers, planners, landowners, and other stakeholders identify regions of greater risk to coastal hazards, which can better inform development strategies and permitting.

Coastal Zoning Data
The spatial extent of the analysis encompassed the coastal zone of the state of California. Across the state of California, each city often uses different zoning codes and many GIS layers are incomplete or do not match the ordinance documents for the respective city or county. In order to take a statewide approach to map zoning types, and link climate science to adaptation planning, we utilized the zoning codes found in the GIS zoning layers for each city/county in the state of California, determining what each code means for each city/county (i.e. R-1 = single family residence) based on the ordinance documents, and then distilling those zones down to 5 main categories – Agriculture, Residential, OpenSpace/Parks/Public Land, Commercial/Industrial, and Special Use/Uncategorized. Outputs can be used to better understand common coastline features and their role in filtering the list of potential adaptation responses. This information can help coastal managers, planners, landowners and other stakeholders identify regions where specific strategies are more feasible, which can in turn better inform development strategies and permitting. The results provide an overview of zoning categories for the coastal zone of California to help inform implementation of potential adaptation strategies.

Cities and counties often change their zoning maps, and these maps may not be accurate with regard to a specific property. Property owners, purchasers and interested parties should confirm zoning designations identified here with the city or county that has jurisdiction over the property